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Sunday, Oct. 19, 2003 - 10:03 p.m.

YAY!!! I'm soo happy. :)

Guess what? Pony called me today at like 6:30pm. He said, "I wanted to know if you were okay.Are you feeling better?" AWWW SWEETNESS :) we talked for like 30 mins :) he told me the stuff I said to him over the phone when i was drunk. That time that he called me and I didnt remember shit, he said i couldnt really talk so yeah i didnt say nothing to embaress me. He was soo cool with me. I missed him. Friendship. We told each other our drinking stories and what we'e been up to. Then, I told him that if he did wanted to hang out with me on Friday to buy him a BDAY present and he said yes. Then I told him that after we were gonna kick it at my house since it'll be just my sister and he said YEAH. He even made a joke that he should spend the weekend with me at my house and I said HAHA U SHOULD. We talked and talked. And then he asked me what i was doing right now and I said nothing and he asked me if I had a curfew and I said i dont know. he then like, asked if i could meet him at Treasure island. I was like "NOW?" and he said "YEAH" of course I couldnt!! I had just finished jogging. I was all crappy and smelly and yucky. SO I said I couldnt, but I could other days and he said "No not other days." Well, we kept talking about friday where we were gonna meet and what time. we arent sure exactly yet. I told him to call me Thursday and we can talk about then. so yeah we talked and he had to go. He sounded sooo good yummy.



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